ENTER25 eTourism conference
Call for contributions
17-21 February 2025 – Wrocław, Poland
Conference theme
eTourism Towards 2060: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) continue to revolutionize travel, tourism, and hospitality. Over 30+ years, the ENTER eTourism conference has been at the forefront of providing insight on the use and impact of new technologies for travel, tourism and hospitality practitioners and researchers. However, the rapid development and deployment of new developments, including Generative AI (GenAI), service robotics, Internet of Things, and Extended Realities (XR) technologies, among others, call for a rapid and careful reassessment of ICT in tourism, particularly including ethical and societal considerations. If an AI-assistant books the wrong itinerary, who is to blame? Will customer service bots replace human workers? What is best for both the tourist and the tourism industry, as well as economies and societies as a whole?

This call for contributions invites the academic and professional eTourism community to challenge and co-create the next decades of e-tourism, preparing tourism stakeholders for what the future will bring.
ENTER25 eTourism conference continues the tradition of bringing together people, ideas, and research from all over the world to find answers to the burning questions the industry is facing. This year, some of these questions include:
- What will / can / should the future of tourism look like?
- What role can new ICT technologies such as AI, robotics, IoT and XR play in creating a sustainable future for e-tourism?
- How can technology help create businesses and organizations that are agile, innovative, and resilient in a time of constant flux?
- What is the role of technology in accelerating sustainable development?
- How will emerging technologies impact the customer and employee experience?
- How will technologies reshape the tourism and hospitality higher education landscape?
- What challenges and dangers does technological disruption bring to the tourism and hospitality field and how can we address them?
The International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) together with IFITT Poland, call for the global eTourism community, academics, technology, and travel and hospitality business, destinations, and NGOs to contribute to ENTER Conference and think about how technologies will continue shaping the future of the tourism industry. The conference, with the theme eTourism Towards 2060, contributes to the science and practice of tourism and provides various stakeholders with possibilities to network, innovate, learn, experience, and develop the tourism field.
We invite the entire academic and professional research community to submit cutting-edge research and the latest case studies on emergent and innovative ICT concepts, applications, and business models to be shared at the ENTER25 eTourism conference. Submissions are invited for the following formats:
Pre-Conference Ph.D. Workshop
ENTER Conference
Each paper should be represented by at least one registered presenter.
If at least one author has not completed their registration by 30 December 2024 the paper will be removed from the programme and the proceedings.
Each registered participant can deliver a maximum of 2 paper presentations.
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer. According to the editorial schedule, the proceedings will be available around May 2025. Accepted conference papers will be available online to conference participants for a period of six months. The printed ENTER proceedings will be mailed directly to the lead author by Springer after the conference.
Please note that authors have the opportunity to join IFITT which gives them a substantial discount on conference registration fees and access to the global eTourism community.

Why submit your research to the ENTER25 eTourism conference?
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange
The ENTER eTourism conference is an annual event of the IFITT community. Each conference is designed to generate engagement and impact of your research as we work together towards the IFITT mission of sharing knowledge, experience, and passion for ICT in travel and tourism.
We invite travel, tourism, hospitality, IS, UX, ICT, and other researchers working in the following and related fields to submit their research to the conference and discuss the meaning of the research from the perspective of the conference theme.
Technology for marketing, business growth, and development
Technology for digital-first workplaces
Technology for lifestyle mobilities and digital nomadism
Technology for sustainability, health, and well-being
Technology for enhanced experiences
Technology for education
Technology for research
Technology for smartness and disruption
Special session: Future of Food/Gastronomy
Special session: Human-Nonhuman interaction in Tourism
Informal networking opportunities with experts
The conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from industry, academia, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-of-the-art research, education practices, and industrial case studies on the application of information and communication technologies in travel and tourism. ENTER25 eTourism conference attendees will have a unique opportunity to learn from and network with interdisciplinary experts who work at the intersection of tourism and technology.
Ph.D. student engagement
The ENTER25 eTourism conference Ph.D. Workshop provides unique opportunities for postgraduate (doctoral) students to present and discuss their research with peers and leading scholars in the field.
Submission Formats
Full Papers
We invite research papers across the wide spectrum of Information and Communication Technologies in travel, tourism, and hospitality management to be presented at the ENTER25 eTourism conference. Full papers should be innovative with the aim to advance the knowledge base of eTourism research. These papers should present major contributions to the field.
- The maximum length for full papers is 10 pages, inclusive of references (expected word count 4,000-5,000 words).
- All accepted full papers will be considered for awards and recognition, including the Best Full Paper prize, to be presented during the conference.
- All accepted full papers will be included in a Scopus-indexed Conference Proceeding publication.
Papers should clearly state the background, introduction, purpose, theory, methodology, results, and conclusions, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations. All full papers should emphasize future research directions at the end of each paper.
To make sure your submission adheres to copyright regulations, Figures or Tables must include an appropriate citation in their caption (e.g. Source: O’Connor, 2023). When citing Figures or Tables created by someone else, you must have written permission to republish such copyrighted material (typically held by the publisher, rather than the author). You, as the author, are responsible for obtaining such permissions in writing and submitting them with your final revised paper. For self-created Figures or Tables, explicitly note in their caption that they have been created by the authors (e.g. Source: Authors’ own). All authors will be required to submit a statement certifying that figures/tables are their own original work, or provide evidence of permission to reuse previously published work, on submission of their final revised paper.
All paper submissions should be prepared in Word or LaTeX according to the Springer proceedings guidelines. Please, find here the Word template and here the LaTex template to be used (other formats will not be accepted).
In addition to the main article file, all papers should be accompanied by a 200-word plain-language summary of the research results and impacts. When preparing this summary, please think of how you would present the results of your research to an industry professional or general (non-expert) audience. This summary should be included on a separate page that does not count toward the 10-page limit.
Important dates
- Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=enter25
- Submission deadline: 15 September 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 1 October 2024
- Deadline to resubmit revised paper: 18 October 2024
- Final acceptance decision: 1 November 2024
All deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59 pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone. Conference organizers reserve the right to modify the paper submission schedule.
Review process
All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. The peer-review process is double-blind by the members of the ENTER25 eTourism conference Scientific Committee; all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or their affiliations. Please be aware that plagiarized papers will not be accepted for ENTER25 eTourism conference and the content originality of all papers will be checked using an automated tool.
Working Papers
Working papers are intended for highly promising findings of original and unpublished research ideas (e.g. conceptual or theoretical developments) and preliminary results. The evaluation of working papers will be based on originality and (potential) importance rather than maturity or completed evaluation.
- The maximum length for working papers is 5 pages, inclusive of references (expected word count 2,000-2,500 words).
- All accepted working papers will be considered for awards and recognition, including the Best Working Paper prize, to be presented during the conference.
- All accepted working papers will be included in an Adjunct Proceedings to be produced by the conference and made available online under an open access policy.
Working papers should clearly state briefly the background, introduction, purpose, theory, methodology, (optionally) preliminary results, and conclusions, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations. All working papers should emphasize future research directions at the end of each paper.
All paper submissions should be prepared in Word or LaTeX according to the Springer proceedings guidelines. Please, find here the Word template and here the LaTex template to be used (other formats will not be accepted).
In addition to the main article file, all papers should be accompanied by a 200-word plain language summary of the research idea and potential. When preparing this summary, please think of how you would present the results of your research to an industry professional or general (non-expert) audience. This summary should be included on a separate page that does not count toward the 5-page limit.
Important dates
- Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=enter25
- Submission deadline: 13 October 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 10 November 2024
- Deadline to resubmit revised paper: 1 December 2024
- Final acceptance decision: 10 December 2024
All deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59 pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone. Conference organizers reserve the right to modify the paper submission schedule.
Review process
All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. The peer-review process is double-blind by the members of the ENTER25 eTourism conference Scientific Committee; all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or their affiliations. Please be aware that plagiarized papers will not be accepted for ENTER25 eTourism conference and the content originality of all papers will be checked using an automated tool.
Posters and Demos
The posters and demos category is intended for various types of research, teaching, and practice outputs that are of interest to the ENTER community and align with the conference theme. This category includes but is not limited to industry cases, teaching cases, early research, research methods demonstrations, and technology/software/app/code demonstrations.
- The maximum length for posters and demos submissions is 2 pages, inclusive of references.
- All accepted posters and demos will be considered for awards and recognition, including the Best Poster & Demo prize, to be presented during the conference.
- All accepted posters and demos will be made available on the IFITT website in the Member Only area.
All posters and demos should be submitted as extended abstracts. The extended abstract should include the problem background, purpose, method, significance, or any other section that fits your particular submission type and the development stage.
Demo submissions must additionally provide a description of the demonstration that will be given at the conference (which may include screenshots and must include either a link to an online demo or to a video presenting it).
Important dates
- Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=enter25
- Submission deadline: 1 December 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 10 December 2024
All deadlines refer to 23:59 (11:59 pm) in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone. Conference organizers reserve the right to modify the paper submission schedule.
Review process
All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. The peer-review process is double-blind by the members of the ENTER25 eTourism conference Scientific Committee; all submissions must not include information identifying the authors or their affiliations. Please be aware that plagiarized papers will not be accepted for ENTER25 eTourism conference and the content originality of all papers will be checked using an automated tool.
Open Call for Research Track Special Sessions
We invite members of the eTourism community to organize research special sessions during the ENTER25 eTourism conference. A special session can be a “mini-conference” on a focused topic that is developed in collaboration with the ENTER25 eTourism conference organizers. Please contact the research track chairs if you are interested in organizing a special session at ENTER25 eTourism conference, or have any questions about the submission types.
Deadline for proposing research special sessions: 15th September 2024
ENTER25 Research Track Co-Chairs:
Dr. Lyndon Nixon, Modul University Vienna ([email protected])
Dr. Aarni Tuomi, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences ([email protected])
Professor Peter O’Connor, University of South Australia ([email protected])
Ph.D. Workshop Proposals
The future development of tourism is not only a challenge for the tourism industry and researchers but also for Ph.D. students. Focusing on the next generation of researchers is key to improving the quality of research and to contributing to the challenging development of information and communication technology research in tourism.
The ENTER25 eTourism conference organizes a one-day workshop for Ph.D. students who are encouraged to present their research proposals (early to advanced stages) related to information and communication technologies in travel and tourism and receive valuable comments and advice from members of the IFITT community in a supportive environment. Students can also find answers to their academic and research career questions and expand their network with peers, researchers, industry, and universities from around the world.
Benefits for participants of the Ph.D. workshop
- FREE for Ph.D. students
- Young talents from developing/emerging countries can apply for an ICT4D scholarship
- All submitted Ph.D. proposals will be evaluated for an Outstanding Proposal award
- IFITT offers students discounts on registration fees for the ENTER25 eTourism conference
Call for Ph.D. Workshop Proposals
The workshop invites highly motivated Ph.D. students to submit their research proposals for review and feedback.
Research proposals should be a maximum of three pages (A4) in length (including references) and should include the following sections:
- Problem statement/literature gap/research question
- Conceptual framework (if applicable)
- Proposed methodology
- Expected results/statement of contribution
- References.
Submit your proposal to EasyChair for ENTER 2025 (SELECT PhD Workshop). Submission link: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=enter25
After the review process, students will receive suggestions for improvement. Students with accepted proposals will be asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation with a maximum of five slides.
Important dates
- Submission Deadline: 13 October 2024
- Initial feedback: 18 October 2024
- Submit a final revised proposal: 8 November 2024
- Final acceptance: 18 November 2024
- Submit presentation slides: 18 January 2025
- Ph.D. Workshop: 18 February 2025
Ph.D. Workshop Chairs
Dr. Ulrike Gretzel, University of Southern California ([email protected])
Dr. Kasha Minor, Cardiff Metropolitan University ([email protected])
Dr. Rodolfo Baggio, Bocconi University ([email protected])
Dr. Arkadiusz Tomczyk, Bournemouth University ([email protected])